Running is so good for you in so many ways, especially when you are lucky enough to run on woodsy trails in the wilderness. However, the uncomfortable truth is that creepers sometimes also stalk those same trails. When you are out there on your own, how can you maximize your personal safety?
Carry a Weapon
Even if you’re less afraid of serial killers and more afraid of Mother Nature, don’t underestimate the power of a weapon on your person. If you’re a concealed weapons permit holder, look into concealed carry clothing for runners. These are specialty clothes made to move and stretch with your body, but also keep your firearm snug and safe against your body. This kind of clothing can range from yoga pants to tank tops — all with special pockets for your firearm.
Mace and pepper spray are also useful against people and bears alike, and you can find them in small, portable cans. Check at your local sporting goods store to see what’s available in your budget, as they come in different sizes and intensities.
Learn Self-Defense
Women and men should all learn some simple self-defense techniques. Whether this means enrolling in a class or practicing moves you found on YouTube, it’s just plain good sense to know basic ways to defend yourself. Would you know how to disarm an attacker, or quickly knock them out? What would you do in the event you actually needed to use your firearm? Understand the very basics of self-defense, if only for your own peace of mind. It is one of those life skills that’s good to know, but is hopefully never needed.
Be Safe
There is nothing like a good jog — the fresh air on your skin, the rush of adrenaline every time you crest a hill, the smell of nature all around you. Beautiful as it is, the woods are also very dangerous. Understand the best ways to protect yourself whenever you decide to hit the trails. You might not ever need to do so, but it’s awfully good to know that you can.