Graduation stoles are standard for all college students, whether they graduate this year or in the future. There is a lot to discuss these unique items that not every student is aware of, even if we may all be familiar with their appearance, where to get them, and their intended uses. This post covers a few essential things about graduation stoles that you should know!
You may have heard the phrase “sashes and stoles” referring to graduation apparel. Most stores that sell stoles or sashes have the same design—fabric that drapes across the shoulders rather than over the body—so fear not—they both fundamentally relate to the same item.
How to Choose the Right Stole
High school graduation sashes and college graduation stoles, which can be up to five inches wide, should fall below the sleeves of your cap and gown. They frequently contain lettering and graphics embroidered or printed to indicate accolades, academic accomplishments, Greek membership, and links with clubs or sports. Sometimes, a graduate’s subject of study might be revealed by wearing a graduation stole during the ceremony.
Personalized stoles can require school approval before the commencement event, depending on the official graduation policies of your university.
- Consider the cloth quality: Satin quality typically ranges from medium to high, with the higher-grade material being more expensive. Satins are not the only material you can choose from. There are polyesters, nylons, and more. Satin fabric is made from smooth, glossy silk. Keeping this in mind is important because it needs to be washed carefully. If your stoles become soiled before your graduation or picture session, it is strongly recommended to machine wash them on a gentle cycle. The fabric for your stole will influence if and how you may personalize it, the trim you can use, and the final embroidery. Just be sure to talk to your store about all of this before having your stole made.
- Consider the style: Many people mix up stoles with cords because, while they both serve the same purpose, cords are more focused on academic achievements and honors. In contrast, stoles may represent any group you wish: student groups, cultural identities, etc. Also, cords can be stacked on top of one another, whereas stoles can’t be stacked on top because they are hidden beneath one another, which is why it’s customary to wear one stole at a time.
- Select customized options as per your choice: Can’t you seem to discover the right stole style? A stole may be customized with more than just colors and lettering. If you want to make your own, you may embroider club logos, letters indicating your academic achievements, or even your family’s name! You may also add decorations to the collar of your stole and embroider personalized logos of your choice! A customized graduation sash has limitless options!
Not all graduation gowns include easy-access pockets, which might be inconvenient if you need to call your family after the ceremony. However, many stoles are made with pockets.
Where to Get a Graduation Stole
Choose the exact language and placement of text and photos on your high school or college graduation by completing a questionnaire. A digital mockup of the stole should be available within a few days of receiving the form. Once you approve the design, it should be created and mailed to you within a week.
Some vendors now provide online builders and software to make your stole and sash exactly how you want them. You won’t need to fill out a form when an online merchant offers this option because all the information they want is already in their database.